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up to造句

2024-05-11 11:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、He put it up to his wife whether they should buy it or not.他让妻子来决定是不是买。

2、I'll look up to you.我会尊敬你的。

3、In the first place you must rev it up to warm the engine.首先你必须让发动机转起来预热。

4、not improved or brought up to date.没有改进以变得新式或者使得新式。

5、I'm so glad to get help from five wildlife researchers that took giraffes up to a higher level.我很高兴能得到五位野生动物研究人员的帮助,他们把长颈鹿带到更高的水平。

6、Some chats were fleeting, others lasted up to five hours.一些交谈时间不长,另一些则长达五个小时。

7、The series of events led up to his resignation.这一连串的事件导致了他的辞职。

8、The water in the pond is only up to my knees.池塘里的水只有我的膝盖那到深。

9、Cindy is small and just comes up to my chest.辛迪个子很小,只到我的胸脯那么高。

10、This piece of material may be cut up to make a pair of trousers.这块布料可以裁一条裤子。

11、work that is up to standard够标准的工作

12、All the data are up to date.所有的数据都是最新的。

13、Coverage extends to five family members, including the head and spouse and up to three dependents.覆盖面涵盖5名家庭成员,包括户主和配偶以及多达3名受抚养人。

14、Setting up to use ultra-light mode设置 Lotus iNotes以使用ultra-light模式

15、A standard item may cost up to 33% its market value in resources.标准的项目花费33%的市价作为成本。

16、Count up to three before you open your eyes.数到3,再睁开眼睛。

17、You can use it up to 15 meters away from the Dior phone with its wireless Bluetooth technology.通过无线蓝牙技术,你可以在离迪奥手机15米以内的地方使用它。

18、It sums up to $10, 000.合计为一万美元。

19、This heart is a tremendous gift, and it's up to me to stay fit and take care of it.这颗心脏是一个极为贵重的礼物,现在该是我保持健康并且呵护它的时候了。

20、Two divisions were ordered up to strengthen a weak point in the line.两个师被调到前线去加强一个薄弱环节。

21、The Bank of England is expected to push the base rate back up to 4.75% later this year.英格兰银行准备在今年晚些时候将基础利率重新调回4.75%。

22、These products did not measure up to the set standards.这些产品没达到规定的标准。

23、The hotel bill might run up to £500.旅馆账单也许高达500英镑。

24、She owned up to taking the money.她爽快地承认拿了那笔钱。

25、They cannot deceive me, for I am up to all their tricks.他们欺骗不了我,因为我了解他们的一切诡计。

26、While most taxi drivers will automatically round up to the next 500 rupiah.大多数出租车司机会自动把收费加到最近的500卢比的整数。

27、You must act up to your promise.你必须实践自己的诺言。

28、The whole winter was given up to physical training.整个冬季都用来进行体育训练。

29、Up to this point, Mr Cain's campaign had been gloriously unorthodox.提到这点的时候,凯恩先生的宣传阵营一直是值得称道,标新立异的。

30、Scientists are finding solutions to many problems that up to now were insoluble.科学家正在为许多至今尚无解答的问题寻找答案。

up to翻译从事于(坏事), 忙于, 胜任, 能做, 适合, 适于 详情




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